Lady GaGa - Poker Face
23 April 2009 om 16:26:20
azaz azazazazazazaz
azazaz az
azazazaz az
az az az
az az az
azazazazazazaz az
azazazazazazazaz az
az az az
az az az
az az azazazazazazaz
19 April 2009 om 16:56:15
. Cover your mouth with your hand
2. Make a wish
3. Close your hand (fist)
4. Hold you hand at heart for 5 seconds
5. Send this to 3 more videos
6. Tommarrow will be the best day ever
19 April 2009 om 12:12:25
1. Cover your mouth with your hand
2. Make a wish
3. Close your hand (fist)
4. Hold you hand at heart for 5 seconds
5. Send this to 3 more videos
6. Tommarrow will be the best day ever
19 April 2009 om 11:38:23
te gek nummer.
hb mm ook op mn mp4 als video clip.
17 April 2009 om 13:49:50
Super goed nummer =)